11. August 2024
EU4Dialogue: Third Change Makers’ Forum
A total of 23 inspiring young individuals from the South Caucasus and Moldova, including from the conflict affected regions, convened in the third edition of the Change Makers Forum organised by the EU-funded Project EU4Dialogue of which inmedio is happy to be a conortium-member. The Forum took place in Finland, in spring 2024, and focused […] 20. September 2023
New format now open for registration
Five-day instense small-group Coaching for Track 2 Dialogue. Berlin, February 12th to 16th with optional online follow-up. This coaching is designed to support professionals in their efforts to improve track 2 dialogues they are involved in, by reflecting on achievements and failures and by learning from other participants and the coach’s experience in a small […] 30. December 2022
Recommendations for Dialogue between Armenia and Azerbaijan
The paper ‘Recommendations for further steps to start dialogue between Armenia and Azerbaijan’ was created by participants of the dialogue workshops in both countries in the framework of our project supported by the German MFA. The current situation at the Lachin corridor, which could easily spiral out of control, underlines the relevance of dialogue. The […] 26. November 2022
Remembering Azerbaijani Peace Expert Avaz Hasonov
One Year ago, the Civil Society Institute’s and inmedio’s longtime Azerbaijani project partner Avaz Hasanov passed away without any warning. We miss him much. Avaz was one of the most important Azerbaijani peace building experts and his sudden death left a big gap not only for his friends and family but also the peace building […] 29. March 2022
Multitrack Peace Mediation 2022/3
Now Open for registration – our 9th Multitrack Peace Mediation Course in cooperation with CSSP – Berlin Center for Integrative Mediation. The 15-day course focuses on mediation in development cooperation and peacebuilding contexts and covers the core content of a general mediation training. It will take place in Berlin from September 2022 to April 2023. […] 6. March 2022
How to talk to people in bunkers
So many Ukrainans who live abroad or had to flee communicate with their family members or friends who have to stay in cellars, metro stations, bomb shelters and try to provide remote phychological support while their own heart is broken, too. On request of a network of Ukrainian expatriates, we drafted a short guidance for 'How to talk to people in bunkers' in Ukrainan, Russian and English. It is based on the recent experience of our Armenian collegue who found shelter in bunkers during the 44-day war in 2020, on psychological first aid concepts and our work with war-affected people in the Western Balkans, South Cuasus and Nepal. Hope it can be of a little help. 20. January 2022
Hot off the press and highly topical: Our methodological toolkit on contested narratives dialogue …
… is based on three years of German-Russian-Ukrainian dialogue and covers topics, which are at the core of the current crisis and negotiations like NATO eastward expansion, Ukrainian NATO membership etc. Available for download along with other resources at As of today, also available as hardcopy. 21. October 2021
Mehr Dialog Wagen – auf dem BAFM Fachtag ‘Verstehen’
Wir freuen uns, auf der Fachtagung der Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Familienmediation, die in diesem Jahr unter dem Titel ‘Verstehen’ am 19./20. November online stattfindet, eine Keynote zum Thema ‘Mehr Dialog Wagen!’ – quasi den Vortrag zum Buch – halten zu dürfen. Das gesamte Programm mit vielen namhaften Mediator:innen sowie Infos zur Anmeldung hier. 13. September 2021
Unser Vorschlag zum Intergenerativen Dialog mit Rezo hat auch zum Dialog mit uns eingeladen. Und wir haben zwei sehr passende Informationen bzw. Tipps bekomen, die wir hier zur Verfügung stellen möchten: 1. Es gibt eine interessanten Reaktion auf das Viedeo von Greenpeace: 2. gibt es bereits von Greenpeace ein Kartenspiel zum Generationendialog. Die Dialogkarten […] 9. September 2021