Responsible for content:
Inmedio – Institute for Mediation. Consulting. Development
Dr. Kerntke, Wüstehube und Splinter GbR
Holbeinstraße 33
D-12203 Berlin
The Dr. Kerntke, Wüstehube and Splinter GbR operates this website as a common presence for the companies of the inmedio group. These are:
The inmedio berlin GbR – institute for mediation. consulting. development
Co-directors: Holger Specht, Dirk Splinter, Willibald Walter und Ljubjana Wüstehube.
„inmedio“ berlin GbR
institute for mediation . consulting . development
Holbeinstr. 33
12203 Berlin
fon: +49 (0)30.454904 -00
fax: +49 (0)30.454904 -01
Tax ID 20/600/00135
VAT No: DE276222573
The inmedio frankfurt GbR – institute for mediation. comsulting. development
Co-directors: Bernd Fechler und Dr. Wilfried Kerntke.
„inmedio“ frankfurt GbR
institute for mediation . consulting . development
Schützenstr. 4
60311 Frankfurt am Main
fon: +49 (0)69.920209-53
fax: +49 (0) 69.920209-50
Tax ID 012/316/30008
VAT No: DE300475223
The inmedio peace consult gGmbH
Holbeinstr. 33
12203 Berlin
fon: +49 (0)30.45490801
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The layout of the homepage, the used graphics as well as the collection of the contributions are protected under copyright law. The sites can only be copied for private use, changes and the spread of copies without explicit consent are not allowed. The individual contributions, if not explicitly states otherwise, are by inmedio. “inmedio” is the registered trademark of the Dr. Kerntke, Wüstehube and Splinter GbR. Citations are permitted stating the source.
General guidelines:
inmedio keeps all mediation and consultation requests strictly confidential. Regarding inquiries about current dates of our seminars and trainings, we assume that you would like to be informed occasionally about current events in the future. For that purpose, we save your contact details. In no case will we make your data available to a third party.
Concept and design:
Concept, design and realisation: OTANI GmbH
Photo credits:
Main motive sexual abuse: adina80xx /