Conflict counselling

Clarifying things. Reshaping relationships. Making decisions. Sometimes it just takes good counselling!

With our suggestions, we support you in thinking about all system-relevant perspectives, building up competences and anchoring solutions in everyday life

  • Coaching
  • Counselling

Together we analyse your current developmental tasks, provide orientation and structure and find creative and sustainable solutions.

We understand the coaching process as a professional exchange at eye level.

We pay careful attention to your time availability and work in a solution-oriented manner to confidently achieve your personal or organisational goals.

Coaching can be either a punctual consulting service or a continuous professional support process.

“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”
(Albert Einstein)



We advise you in case of conflicts, difficult decisions and in crisis situations.
In the short term, we work with you to pacify a situation and to maintain or recover the collaboration.

The long term goal is the analysis of structural causes of conflict and the alteration of behavioural routines up to the establishment of a professional conflict management system.

The conflict-perspective-analysis (KPA) instrument, developed by us, provides a structured and tested framework for conflict counselling.

A special form of coaching is peer counselling -Coaching among colleagues without an external coach. It serves the purpose of transfer of experience within an organisation or a peer network. We advise you on its introduction and implementation within your organisation.