Conflicts cost time, mental health and money. We make it possible to talk about the difficult and delicate issues.
Mediation provides a space in which individual solutions can be developed through direct exchange. We empower all conflict parties, moderate disputes on important topics and enable a constructive and solution-oriented dialogue.

Mediation – Solving conflicts constructively.
Bundesverband Mediation e.V.

- Organisations and work life
- Public space
- Family and separation/divorce
- Interculturism and diversity
Dissolving barriers.
Restoring working capacity.
Preserving one’s reputation.
At the workplace, the conflict parties are tied together through contracts or work practices and are often not able to evade conflict. In the process, the conflict frequently spreads to whole teams, departments and oftentimes even to the customers.
With our dual qualification as mediators and organisational consultants, we can take into account all of these peculiarities and provide accurate support. In doing so, we attach great value to a precise mandate clarification.

Solving conflicts. Creating a space for participation, dialogue and understanding

Many conflicts take place in our social proximity. These can be neighbourhood disputes about tidiness and noise, conflicts about the use of the playground around the corner, the closure of a public facility
or the construction of bypasses or wind turbines.
One of our main focuses is mediation in intercultural contexts.
Rethinking family. Providing (re)solutions.
If the family peace is questioned or if there are major changes in the conditions of coexistence, we can use our conversation moderation to find new solutions and perspectives.
If you are going through a separation or a divorce, we will help you navigate through the delicate problems and assist you as a parent in creating solutions that take into account the interests of your children.

In a society shaped by globalisation and migration, the questions of identity and affiliation, the relationship between the majority and minorities and what actually constitutes “normal” are becoming increasingly important.
Diversity in Conflicts
Criteria of difference such as gender, age, sexual orientation, nationality, ethnicity and religion also play an important role in conflicts. This applies to cooperation in international teams, mediation between authorities and immigrants, or conflicts around collective housing for refugees. They are often not the cause of the conflict, but they influence the course of the discussion and must be taken into account during the process.
Mediation and diversity
In our mediations we pay attention to cultural and social characteristics and translate where misunderstandings lead to conflicts. We promote the recognition of discrimination experience and integrate different concepts of justice and fairness into a conversation model that everyone can be involved with.