Over the past two months, our 16 freshly trained dialogue facilitators from Armenia, Azerbaijan and Nagorno-Karabakh designed and conducted their first local dialogue workshops on the peaceful resolution of the conflict in and around Nagorno-Karabakh. They have been partially conducted in international trainer tandems – what a positive example of peace cooperation across borders! The highlight of in total eight workshops was a dialogue workshop in Tbilisi, Georgia with 13 participants from Armenia, Azerbaijan and Nagorno-Karabakh at the beginning of this month. All workshops were very well received by the participants and helped to take steps towards better mutual understanding.
Previously, the training in dialogue facilitation took place within the framework of an extensive training program in skills, methods and attitudes of dialogue facilitation. Four-day basic trainings courses in Baku and Yerevan in July were followed by joint dialogue training courses in Berlin in November and a final planning meeting in Georgia in October.
The local dialogue workshops were the last activities in a comprehensive project conducted by us (inmedio peace consult) in close cooperation with Humanitarian Research Public Union in Baku and the Civil Society Institute in Yerevan, funded by the Foreign Office. Information about the predecessor project in 2018 can be found here.
We cannot say anything less than: We are extremely proud of the successes and ambitions of our new dialogue facilitators! Many thanks to our partner organizations, who were very committed to our project, and to all supporters that helped us during the workshops.
We hope to be able to continue our activities in the upcoming year and build on the growing capacities and experiences of our dialogue resource network in the region! #CivilSocietyCooperation